The history of this fansite dates back to 2022. Makadamia, looking for the information she needed on how to get decorative items without success, decided to create on TibiaFanart.com the first guide with descriptions of each item and object, based on sprites, the so-called “Items Guide”.
Working on this project, testing and describing methods of gathering items, creating maps, and finding examples of use, the author appreciated this form of spending time in Tibia like never before, and the publications gained a growing audience. Interviews and articles dedicated to decorators began appearing more often, and the “HOUSE DECORATIONS” section slowly grew.
Soon the extremely talented decorator Norelli also joined the fansite’s team, and with her experience, commitment, and ideas, house decorating became the fastest-growing section of TibiaFanart.com.
More and more content was created out of passion, and it slowly began to dominate the site. Wanting to give this theme room to grow and not hide it under the term “Fanart” Makadamia, together with Norelli, decided to create a completely new project, allowing to develop the massive potential of this theme fully. That’s how on July 5, 2023, a new site dedicated to decorations was created!
Welcome to our newest project TibiaDecorations.com, where you will discover the work of experienced as well as lesser-known decorators, read interviews with inspiring players, find a unique DIY section with lots of unconventional decorative elements, items’ stacks suggestions, and many articles, guides and tutorials to help you learn how to get the items you need and get inspired to create your own decorations!

Fansite founder.
She creates articles and guides related to decorating, designs pixel art elements, shares inspirations, prepares interviews with players, handles social media, looks for new creative decorators, and organizes contests.
Instagram: @pochwalona

Fansite founder.
She creates articles and guides related to decorating, reviews of decorative items, creates DIY section, shares inspirations, prepares interviews with players, handles social media, looks for new creative decorators.
Instagram: @norelli_tibia