Balloon Cloth
LOCATION | Oramond |
QUEST | It is not required to start any quest to collect this item. |
Balloon Cloth is nothing more than a flying balloon that has exploded and, unfortunately, not much is left of it! đŸ˜‰ And although with this equipment a scientist from Rathleton named Zeronex will not fly far, we decorators will find a use for it without a problem!
Professor Pierre Zeronex once researched the properties of gases that will help him to construct flying machines. The scientist spends all his time in his laboratory, and that’s where we can find this item.
To get to his lab, we need to go south of the city of Rathleton and go through the Rathleton Workshops districts. Go up the stairs marked on the map, head south, and climb to the top of the building.
There, at level +3 you will find one piece of Balloon Cloth lying on the floor just south of NPC Zeronex. This item appears after every reset of the floor.
Although the origin and purpose of the item have nothing to do with snow, it is the Balloon Cloth that is an extremely common decoration used for winter decorations. After covering the brown basket, the white part of the graphic can perfectly imitate a snowdrift.
CURIOSITY: Balloon Cloth used to be considered a valuable and extremely rare item, as it only appeared during a general reset of the map. In practice, this meant that it appeared with the update introducing Oramond to the game, and with the next update expanding this city. On new servers, it appeared once! On September 16, 2019, when changes related to floor resets were introduced to the game, the item began to appear regularly.